Death and the maiden by Niklaus Manuel Deutsch, 1517               Dances of Death by Niklaus Manuel Deutsch

   Death and the maiden by Niklaus Manuel Deutsch, 1517              Dances of Death by Niklaus Manuel Deutsch

This work of Niklaus Manuel Deutsch painted in 1517, shows well the transition between the dance of death and the theme of Death and the maiden. Here Death is a rotting corpse which does not caress the girl nicely, it take her by the hand; it grasps her by the neck and kisses her and puts its hands on her sex. Deutsch also created one of the few dances of death where Death and the maiden share an erotic relationship. In the frescoe of Berne, a skeleton kisses the virgin on her cheek and grabs her full breasts.

La Mort dans l'Art

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