Max Ernst. Attirement of the Bride, 1940


Max Ernst. Attirement of the Bride, 1940. Oil on canvas, 129.6 x 96.3 cm.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection



Max Ernst. Long Live Love or Pays charmant, 1923


Max Ernst. Long Live Love or Pays charmant, 1923
Saint Louis Art Museum


Max Ernst. Celebes, 1921              Max Ernst, Die Versuchung des Heiligen Antonius


              Max Ernst. Celebes, 1921

       The Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Max Ernst, Die Versuchung des Heiligen Antonius
         Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum



Max Ernst. Untitled                        Max Ernst. Little Machine 1919


                           Max Ernst. Untitled.

                       Galerie der Spiegel, 1963
                  The New York Public Library

  Max Ernst. Little Machine Constructed by Minimax    Dadamax in Person, 1919–20. 49.4 x 31.5 cm.

              Peggy Guggenheim Collection.


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