Hans Bellmer, Self-portrait 1940


Hans Bellmer, Self-portrait 1940, disegno a matita collezione privata, Parigi, Francia
Polo Museale Fiorentino



Hans Bellmer The Doll 1936              Hans Bellmer The Machine-Gunneress in a State of Grace 1937


               Hans Bellmer The Doll 1936
                         Tate Collection


                                Hans Bellmer

      The Machine-Gunneress in a State of Grace 1937
             The Museum of Modern Art - MoMA



Hans Bellmer La demie poupee 1971           Hans Bellmer The Doll, 1934–35

            Hans Bellmer La demie poupee 1971
             Art Gallery of New South Wales
                  Hans Bellmer The Doll, 1934–35
                 The Metropolitan Museum of Art


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