Prehistoric Rock Paintings of Animals and Symbols at the Shelter of Caboclo in Januaria, Brazil
The arrangement of the figures, the relationship between the representation of animals and the signs, lead one to think that these ensembles may have had a ritual use, maybe for the clan evocation of totemic animals. ca. 2800B.C.


Rock Paintings of a Falling Figure and Symbols at the Shelter of Desinhos in Januaria, Brazil


Prehistoric Rock Paintings of a Falling Figure and Symbols at the Shelter of Desinhos in Januaria, Brazil
Falling anthropomorph. In the center of the picture, a small figure makes a movement resembling a fall.

At the bottom, four oval-shaped cartouches surmount a pot that contains two different elements, one red ochre,

the other yellow ochre. The ensemble has been altered by the flow of rain water on the wall and by contemporary graffiti. ca. 2800 B.C.

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