Crowd Watching a Funeral Pyre. Kwang Nung, Republic of Korea


Crowd Watching a Funeral Pyre. Kwang Nung, Republic of Korea
The funeral and cremation of Young Am, a revered Buddhist monk.
Photographer: Nathan Benn, 1987


Cremation Ceremony for a Prince. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia


Cremation Ceremony for a Prince. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Flames rise from an altar that was built for the cremation ceremony of Prince Tjokorda.
Photographer: Gian Berto Vanni



Hindu Cremation on Ganges, India


Hindu Cremation on Ganges, India
A Hindu funeral pyre on the River Ganges. Rich Hindus can afford a cremation on the shore of the holy river; otherwise the body is thrown into the water to be eaten by scavengers. For Indian Hindus the body is an empty shell after the soul departs. India.


Lighting the Funeral Pyre. New Delhi, India


Lighting the Funeral Pyre. New Delhi, India
Rajiv Gandhi lights the funeral pyre of his mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who was assassinated by Sikh separatists. Rajiv Gandhi succeeded his mother as Prime Minister.
Photographer: Peter Turnley 1984


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